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(郑州大学电气工程学院,河南郑州 450001)
工程专业认证作为专业建设的有效手段在国内已经得到政府、高校、学生和社会的广泛认可,近年来,已有二十余所高校的自动化专业通过了工程专业认证。 文章基于国际工程专业认证标准分析郑州大学自动化专业在工程认证过程中培养目标、毕业标准、课程体系的修订和改进,强化“自动化专业导论”,调整“复变函数与积分变换”教学内容和加强实验实践教学等四个方面进行分析,从而使课程体系更加有效地支撑毕业标准的要求和培养目标的达成,为其他参与自动化专业工程认证的高校提供借鉴意义。
关键词:  工程认证  自动化  培养目标  课程体系
Received:December 22, 2017Revised:January 16, 2018
Research and Analysis of Engineering Certification of Automation Specialty—A Case Study of Zhengzhou University
Zhang Fangfang, Zeng Qingshan
(School of Electrical Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, Henan 450001)
As an effective measure of specialty development engineering certification has been widely recognized by the government, universities, students and society in China. The automation specialty is implemented in more than 20O schools and has passed the engineering certification. Based on the standard of professional certification, this paper analyzes the revision and improvement of the training target, the graduation standard, and the curriculum system in Zhengzhou University. They also revise the curriculum syllabus, enhance the course of Introduction to Automation, adjust the content of Complex Function and Integral Transformation,strengthen experimental practice teaching. Thus the curriculum system is more effective to support the requirements of the graduation standards and the achievement of the training goals.They provide reference significance for the engineering certification of other universities.
Key words:  Engineering certification  Automation  Training target  Curriculum system