黄 敏1,罗志雄2.涉农高校中外合作办学教学质量保障体系 构建的现实依据和路径选择[J].上海教育评估研究,2021,10(4):40-45
涉农高校中外合作办学教学质量保障体系 构建的现实依据和路径选择
Establishing the Teaching Quality Assurance System for the Chinese-foreign Cooperatively-run Agricultural Universities
中文关键词:  涉农高校  中外合作办学  教学质量保障
英文关键词:Agricultural universities  Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run education  Teaching quality assurance
基金项目:福建省社科规划社科研究基地重大项目(FJ2020JDZ031),福建农林大学 2020 年本科教育教学改革研究重点项目(111420051),福建农林大学课程思政项目(SZ1320014)。
黄 敏1,罗志雄2 福建农林大学 1. 马克思主义学院2. 图书馆福建福州 350002 
摘要点击次数: 315
全文下载次数: 1092
      To accelerate the development of new agricultural sciences, it is of considerable significance to improve the quality and level of talent training in Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run agricultural universities. The teaching quality assurance system for these agricultural universities should be based on the uniqueness of objectives, processes, and results. These universities should reconstruct the OEAERI Six-cycle Teaching Quality Assurance Mode, i. e., objective, elements, approaches, enforcement, results, and improvement, and underline teachers, general education and practicums in order to advance the construction of standard, system and feedback mechanism.
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